and she is STILL in there!
40 weeks and 4 days... *sigh*
I have been to many more appointments with stress tests, ultrasounds and blood pressure checks. I had another appointment today and I guess my blood pressure is high... But the baby is doing GREAT! She isn't complaining at all. I hope this isn't a glimpse into the future to when she's 39 years old and living in our basement.
I am SO ready for her to move out! Dan is bringing home, as requested, an atomically hot spicy pizza tonight. I tried extra spicy curry last week, now we're going for the Italian food... Lets see if she dances for this like she did for the curry...
Don't get me wrong, I love her... but I do admit, I am trying to make her mad so she decides to move out! :)
I know that lots of my family follows this blog, so I thought I would share my baby item shopping list on here just in case anyone wins the lotto. I do lots of my shopping on so this is my personal list of "gonna gets" for the baby for when I have the money :)
Stay tuned... I am REALLY hoping to post pictures of her screaming face VERY SOON!!!!!